Hey there, fellow travel enthusiast! You’ve probably got LonelyPlanet and TripAdvisor already tucked away on your phone, right? But the world of travel apps is vast and filled with gems that can make your journeys even smoother. Ever thought about an app that helps you find WiFi or an ATM? They exist! But you’ve got to know where to look. So, let’s dive into 11 super handy apps that are perfect for your next vacation. Off we go!

1. HERE WeGo

Before you jet off, download the map of your destination and use it offline during your trip. This way, you won’t use any data for navigation, and you’ll never lose the address of that cute little café or must-see landmark.

2. Is This Okay?

Ever wonder what you can and can’t bring back home? This nifty app from Customs tells you all about the rules for medicines, cash, food, drinks, tobacco, animals, plants, and much more. Plus, it’s a breeze to convert foreign currencies.

3. Wiffinity

Say goodbye to worrying about your phone bill while traveling. With Wiffinity, you can easily find WiFi hotspots nearby, both online and offline, so you can avoid those pesky roaming charges.

4. PackPoint

Packing can be a real headache, but it doesn’t have to be. Just tell PackPoint your destination, departure date, and how long you’ll be away. It’ll then tell you exactly what to pack based on your trip duration, local weather, and planned activities.

5. Tipping Abroad

Ever get stuck figuring out how much to tip at a restaurant abroad? Tipping Abroad not only answers that question but can calculate the exact tip for you, just enter the bill amount.

6. Trail Wallet

Want to keep an eye on your spending? Trail Wallet is an easy-to-use app that tracks your daily budget and shows where your money’s going. Now, you can enjoy your vacation without financial worries.

7. TripIt

If you’re hopping between destinations, you’ll love TripIt. It combines all your travel details into one convenient overview. Plus, it keeps you updated on any changes to your plans.

8. Entrain

Jet lag can be a real drag, but it doesn’t have to be. Entrain uses daylight to help you adjust to new time zones faster. Just answer a few questions, and it’ll guide you on how to beat jet lag.

9. Babelshot

Ever wonder what’s exactly in the dish you’ve just ordered? Snap a photo of the menu with Babelshot, and you’ll get an instant translation. It works on other written texts too, like street names and signs.

10. Places Near Me

Looking for the nearest ATM, gas station, or pharmacy? Places Near Me shows you all the amenities near your current location.

11. Been

After your trip, if you’re wondering where to go next, Been helps you track which countries you’ve visited. It’s great for planning your next adventure, showing you what percentage of the world you’ve seen.

There you have it, 11 apps that are sure to make your vacation a breeze. Safe travels and have fun exploring!


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