Hey there! If you’re anything like me, living in the Netherlands and experiencing the changing seasons is a total delight. Honestly, picking a favorite season feels almost impossible because they each bring their own special vibe. But, let me tell you, the magic of spring and summer is undeniable, especially because it’s the perfect time to enjoy meals outdoors. Whenever we snag a cool spot during these seasons, you bet we’re dining alfresco as long as the weather’s on our side. I’m here to dive into why eating outside during your vacay is the bee’s knees and how it pairs perfectly with those unique places you’ll be staying at.

Outdoor Dining: The Timeless Charm of ‘Al Fresco’

First off, let’s chat about the whole outdoor dining scene. I’m far from the only one who’s all about it. The term ‘al fresco’ is a little gift from Italy, used for ages to describe enjoying meals in the open air—be it in gardens, terraces, or even more public spots like forests, beaches, or parks. Dining al fresco is synonymous with a laid-back vibe, surrounded by friends or family, all while soaking up the beauty of nature.

I’m not just in love with the term ‘al fresco’ for its pretty sound; the concept itself is my jam. Although it hails from Italy, the idea knows no borders. That’s why you’ll often find me chowing down outside, whether it’s in a quaint tiny house or nestled in nature. From BBQs in the forest, seaside feasts, to casual picnics or just taking your regular meal outdoors, I’m all for it.

The Health Perks of Eating Outdoors

One of the top reasons I’m all for dining in the great outdoors is the health boost it gives you. Years of research back this up, showing how vital fresh air is, especially since many of us are cooped up inside for work. Breathing in that crisp air not only energizes you but also strengthens your immune system and improves your sleep if you’re regularly spending time outside.

Even on cloudy days, being outside means soaking up that sweet vitamin D from sunlight. Generally, you tend to be more active when eating outside, simply because being outdoors encourages you to move more. During trips in and outside the Netherlands, I make it a point to spend as much time as possible outdoors, making outdoor dining a no-brainer.

A World of Outdoor Dining Possibilities

What’s fantastic is the endless possibilities for dining outdoors. I’m a huge fan of barbecuing in any season—yes, even in fall and winter, which might just be cozier than summer BBQs. In the Netherlands, it’s not uncommon to find a BBQ at your accommodation, but bringing your own is always an option.

Whenever a BBQ is on the agenda, we pack our own. The Yakiniku kamado BBQ is my go-to because it’s perfect for whipping up tasty meals and is surprisingly portable (with a bit of teamwork). Trust me, it makes any green getaway even more special. Not just for dinner, but for lunch and maybe even breakfast, too!

The Ultimate Chill and Nature Connection

Last but not least, dining outdoors just has this way of connecting you with nature that I can’t get enough of. It’s not just the fresh air; it’s being surrounded by greenery, the soundtrack of birds and insects, and the sheer beauty of your surroundings. You don’t even need a fancy overnight stay to find a gorgeous spot in the Netherlands for enjoying your meals outside.

Eating outdoors has this magical way of making me feel more relaxed. Maybe it’s the lack of walls confining me or how nature itself encourages me to slow down. This sense of calm is something I rarely get from dining indoors. So, when you’re exploring special places in and outside the Netherlands, why not take your meals outside whenever you can? Trust me, it’s a game-changer.


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