When you think of Normandy, sunshine might not be the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, it’s quite the opposite – the rain there has a reputation for making quite the entrance. And yet, calling the Netherlands the cold, damp country seems a bit off to me. Even the locals in Normandy don’t paint the brightest picture of their region, with many souvenirs poking fun at the annual rainfall. However, our sunny week in this romantic and historic area proved those stereotypes don’t always hold up.

Of course, Normandy is also famously known for its WWII beaches and cemeteries. But let’s be real, those might not be at the top of your kids’ list of fun places to visit. So, I’m excited to share 3 must-visit spots that are sure to be a hit with the little ones too.

1. Honfleur

This charming and picturesque village is a dream to wander around. It’s best known for its beautiful harbor filled with restaurants, its narrow alleyways brimming with artsy shops and studios, and its historic wooden church. There’s always a big carousel by the harbor for kids to enjoy endless rides on. And the bonus? The view’s pretty great for the parents waiting their turn too.

2. Étretat

The cliffs of Étretat are a must-see in northern Normandy, towering high above the sea with their stark white chalk faces. Have your kids guess which animal the rock formations resemble (no spoilers here!) and that’s all they’ll be able to see. You can hike up to the highest point or take a walk to the little church on the other side of the village for a fantastic view of the iconic cliffs.

Just a heads up: the path isn’t stroller-friendly, so if your kids aren’t up for a 20-minute walk, you can still enjoy a fantastic view from the beach. There’s also a carousel and a free playground with soft tiles for the kids to burn off some energy on the beach. Remember, parking might be a bit of a trek from the village. Ah, the joys of vacationing as a parent…

3. Rouen

This historic student city, where Joan of Arc met her tragic end, is a beautiful place with ‘la grosse horloge,’ a magnificent church, and quaint squares perfect for some shopping while the kids enjoy an ice cream. There’s also a large botanical garden with playgrounds for various age groups – and it’s all free. Planning to grab dinner here? Keep in mind that most restaurants don’t start serving dinner until after 7:30 PM. Duck, coq-au-vin, quiche Lorraine…

Extra Tip: Monet’s House

If you’re up for a day trip, the famous painter Monet lived in this region for a reason. His house, located in a quaint village, and its breathtaking garden are a sight to behold. You’ll find the pond with water lilies and willows he immortalized in his paintings here. And his house is quite the masterpiece itself. Young kids get in free. But if your kids aren’t into flowers, there might not be much for them here.

Traveling from the Netherlands to France is a breeze. You can get to Rouen from the southern part of the Netherlands in about 5 hours. And did you know we have some fantastic glamping options in Normandy for families? For instance, BoerenBed Ferme de la Folivraie is close to the famous beaches, making day trips with your kids totally doable. So, what are you waiting for?


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